
After someone dies, their executors are responsible for obtaining the Grant of Probate, selling property, settling debts, paying taxes such as inheritance tax, and organising a funeral. This can be an overwhelming, complicated, and time-consuming task to manage alone, especially when bereaved. Many people therefore want professional help to ensure their loved one’s estate is distributed in the way they intended.  

We offer a professional estate administration service to help executors during this difficult time. We provide essential support for executors, and take over most of the estate administration. Our advice is personalised to each estate, and we support executors through every stage of the estate’s administration.

Please call Mark on 07973 791801 or Nick on 07786 041908 to talk about our probate service. Our fees are bespoke to each estate ad are competitively priced.


Do you replace my executors?

No, we work alongside them so they are involved as much as they want to be. Some executors want us to take over most of the estate administration, while others want to be involved to an extent, such as closing down accounts and cancelling ID documents, while leaving the most complicated aspects to us.

Is it worth using an estate administration service for simple estates?

For simple estates, for example a first-death estate with a surviving spouse, with the house and a few chattels passing to the survivor via a Will, we offer a ‘Grant only’ service. For this simple estate, the Grant of Probate will be the main document required for the small amount of administration required, which the family may be happy to carry out.

What is a Grant of Probate?

This is an official document from the Probate Registry that confirms the authority of the executors in the Will, and therefore gives them the ability to act on the terms of the Will, such as closing accounts, selling property, and distributing assets. It is a lengthy and time consuming process, which is why many people ask a professional estate administrator such as ourselves to apply for the Grant.

I’ve already started estate administration myself but am stuck. Are you able to help?

Whether we can help depends on how much of the work has already been done. It is always much easier if we take over from the beginning, but we are happy to look at a case and decide whether we can take over as the estate administrators. We however cannot take over if another estate planner or solicitor has already worked on the case, as we cannot take on liability for someone else’s work.

What if I want to administer the estate myself?

For very simple estates, it may be possible for the executor to work through the administration on their own. However, executors often come across areas they are unsure about, and anything missed, or any mistakes, can have huge financial consequences, and liability often falls on the executors. Beneficaries can also lose out and face financial difficulty - for example, money paid to beneficaries without the correct taxes deducted means that HMRC will want payment of the taxes from the beneficaries’ share - which has sometimes already been spent.

We find that most of the time, executors do not have the necessary experience, time, and understanding to effectively administer an estate, and it is much easier to use a professional from the beginning, to avoid complications.

How much does it cost?

The cost depends on the size of the estate and the amount of work that needs to be carried out. The total cost is usually 1-2% of the total estate value, with the lower percentage being a small estate and the higher being a large estate. Banks often charge 3-5%, and solicitors can charge up to 5%, so we are at the lowest end with regards to estate administration costs.